
Monday 25 November 2019

My Ideal World

My ideal
My ideal world would be a world without global warming, without everything turning to sh*t. i wish every animal wasnt going extinct or not getting killed. people weren't losing there houses or jobs because theyre not good enough. people getting shot because of there race.

What can I do to change it?
we could pick up our rubbish and put it in a bin. we could find other stuff to replace the animals dying for there trunks. we could let people keep there jobs and keep there houses because everyones good enough, everyone deserves a good house, family. we should change the gun laws or start careing about everyone else family

Social studies work *not fully understood*

key differences and perspectives causing conflict

1. Maori didn't realize they were given away sovereignty to the queen. Maori went under British laws and didn't realize. Maori knew that they had control over there tribes.

2. The English version is said that they have full control over everything owned by them. The British could buy the land before anyone else got the chance to see it was on sale. Which means that Maori can only sell to the British. In the Maori one, it's a bit more detailed. If Maori wanted to sell land it would first be offered to British at an agreed price if the British declined then it would be sold to someone else. 

3. In both treaties Maori and English they both had the same subjects.

Friday 22 November 2019

My essay from social studies

We need the treaty to help everyone be safe. People weren’t the best in New Zealand and they had so many drunk people and they couldn’t control everyone. People also traded stuff to get other things this includes musket, food, and others. In this essay, I will be arguing that we needed. We needed this essay to help get everyone safer. 

In this paragraph, I am going to answer how the declaration of independence helped the Maori?
Interestingly, Maori need the treaty to be protected from the wars over new Zealand. For example, No one had control of New Zealand because it wasn’t owned at the time. There were so many fights and wars over new Zealand and Maori truly believed that they should have owned it. the impact/ effect of all of this is important because they needed the treaty to make a mutual agreement. The declaration would help make the agreement which would keep nearly everyone safe. They needed something to help them.

Musket wars were very dangerous. So many people died from musket wars, around about 20,000 people died. More laws would have had to come in contact with the treaty because it would help protect. Nga puhi and a few other northern tribes would have been the first to get muskets. They traded food, flax, and sometimes woman to get muskets. they traded everything they had to get muskets. Muskets were the only thing that Maori had to protect themselves. So much people died as I said above which wasn’t good. If people didn’t get into wars I think that we wouldn’t have gotten a treaty which means we wouldn’t exactly safe, so in conclusion, we are pretty lucky to have that important event happen, it’s sad that 20,000 people died. English men shouldn’t have brought guns 

The point is important because Maori were dying a lot and missionaries were worried about the Maori. For example, they were worried about more deaths and land loss, they thought a treaty would protect their safety, and they taught Maori how to read and write in Maori so they could fit in. they also put parts of the bible in Maori. they taught Maori what to believe and got a good relationship with them. They taught Maori new things like farming methods. they shouldn’t have made rights for everyone and if the death wasn’t caused by other people then they should have done something to try to keep everyone safe. In the bay of islands, Maori had at least 3000 transfers to Christianity. Maori brought a whole lot of land which also worried missionaries. They should have been protected anyway.

In this paragraph, I am tryna prove that whalers had very lawless behaviour. This point matters because there was a lot of prostitution and war. They acted very lawlessly, reckless and they needed the treaty to control all of the bad behaviours. For examples, there were a lot of drunks, fights, and a lot of prostitution after they came back from sailing for days. the sailors would throw partys to celebrate there trades and successes. When the partys were thrown people would get very drunk. Most of the partys/ celebrations would turn into brawl/ fight. Most sailors were very reckless. 

This is why I think we needed a treaty which did come into place in the end. Whalers were into prostitution, Maori wanted muskets to fight the other Maoris and English men, and missionaries were worried about Maori because they kept dying. The treaty helped everyone and made everything better. The treaty helped everyone, one way or another. This is why I think we needed a treaty.

Friday 1 November 2019


In Social Studies, we are learning about the treaty of Waitangi. We had to draw a Multi-Line graph and show the difference between the Europeans population going up and the Maori population going down.

What does the graph show us?
The drop of maoris and the rise of Europeans so basically, the maoris died or moved and the Europeans moved.

Why do you think the numbers of Maori change?
Because of diseases from animals from where ever the Europeans came from, wars for more weapons.

Why do you think the numbers of Europeans changed?
Because most Europeans wanted to move to New Zealand to get away from the crowding.

Heres some photos.

Monday 21 October 2019

Treaty of Waitangi

Question One - Discuss the idea of Mythology/stories in religion, and the role myths and stories play in society
to get kids to believe or have an understanding of how their religion came about or what happened to the gods of there places or religion 

Question Two - What similarities are there between the myths and stories of Màori and the first British Missionaries?
most of the god is quite the same except they had different names.

Question Three - Why would a difference between Màori beliefs and English beliefs cause conflict?
they would have believed in different things.  they wouldn't have believed that the other gods where real.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Marshmallow Catapult.

Aim: to find out the acceleration of a marshmallow when catapulted at difference distances

  • At least 7 craft sticks (or popsicle sticks)
  • 3 rubber bands
  • Small marshmallows
  • Knife to cut notches on the craft stick *popsicle sticks*
  • Milk jug lid
  • Glue

  1. An adult should carefully cut a set of small notches into the end of one pair of craft sticks about ½-1 inch from the end of each stick.
  2. Stack the other five sticks on top of one another.
  3. Wrap a rubber band around each end of the pile of the five un-notched sticks.
  4. Take one of the sticks with the notch in it and squeeze it between the bottom stick in the stack
  5. and the one above it, sliding it all the way
  6. through so only the last inch of the notched end is sticking out.
  7. Take the final stick and place the notched end over the notched end of the other stick.
  8. Take the final rubber band and wrap it around the notched sticks, making sure the band sets in
the groove from the notches.
  1. OPTIONAL: Glue a milk jug lid to the end of your launcher to hold your marshmallows in place easier.
  2. Your catapult is complete!


Just a hint, NOTE: Never launch items towards anyone.

what it is supposed to look like. *With or without colours*

Wednesday 18 September 2019


This term we have been looking at a cultural unit. So far i have learnt that jam drops are from Britain. I know I have learnt this because we did it in the Britain practical part. Practicals we have made this term are jam drops, pad thai. They are originally from jam drops are from Britain and the pad thai was from Thailand but have made it to New Zealand by the jam drops made it to New Zealand when the British came to New Zealand. Skills I have learnt from the practical are not to overcook or undercook, to season the meal nicely *not too much and not too little* and I will use these in the future by looking at the recipe properly before cooking and not skimming through the recipe so I miss the important work. Working with other people I don't usually work with, we have worked well together except some small arguments over dumb stuff but otherwise, we have all been doing very well in getting our work to a high standard.

Tuesday 17 September 2019


What was your presentation about?
about gay marriage

which part of your work are you proud of?
the speaking part was the hardest part because

were there any challenges?
speaking and writing

would you do anything differently next time?
make shorter words
*Not very long*

Wednesday 28 August 2019


In-home economics, we did pizza. if I could change anything I would have added more ham and maybe more healthy ingredients. My pizza in self reflect, was really good compared to all the other food we made vegetarian sushi, fish and chips. the fish and chips werent flavourved enough and the sushi rice had no flavour even tho we added enough flavour. when we made the dough the dough was to sticky to be  dough but we fixed it.


  • - 1 cup self raising flour (or 1 cup plain flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder)
  • - 1 cup unsweetened yoghurt
  • - ½  tsp salt
1. In a bowl combine all ingredients.
2. Bring together to form a ball.
3. Turn out onto a floured board. Knead and roll the dough for 5-8 minutes.
4. Break into even parts for each person in your group.
5. Roll into an oblong or round shape
 To make your homemade pizza:

  1. Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

  1. Spread tomato paste onto the pizza base.

  1. Add your favourite toppings eg, cheese, tomato, red onion, basil 

4. Bake for 10 minutes or until cooked.


Tuesday 20 August 2019

Devices are evil

This is a graph of the class times and devices.  the top one that is a heart is how much time the students were on their devices. the red is the people who have been on their devices for 5-10 hours, the orange is 11-15 hours, the yellow is the people who have been on  for 16-20 hours, the green is 21-25 hours, blue is 26-30 hours, indigo and 31-35 hours, violet is 36-40 hours, and pink is 41-45 hours.

The bottom one is what devices were used. the phone was used by 17 people which was red, tv was used by 12 people and the colour is purple, the console was yellow and was used by 7 people, the computer was blue and used by 13 people.

Friday 16 August 2019

Electrochemical cell

Aim- to measure the voltage created in an electrochemical (galvanic) cell.

equipment- 2x 250 mL beakers, U-tube (or filter paper), voltmeter, 2x wires with alligator clips, Mg and Cu electrodes, sandpaper, 1.00 mol l -1 solution of Mg (no3)  and CuSO 0.100 mol L-1 KNO solution, electronic scales.
Dangerous chemicals we used

  • zinc nitrate solution
  • copper nitrate
  • potassium nitrate

1. use sandpaper to remove any oxide coating on the Zn and Cu electrodes. weigh and record the mass of each electrode.
2. set up a galvanic cell as shown in the diagram below. if you do not have a u-tube, soak filter paper in solution KNO3 to act as a salt bridge.
3. record the voltage displayed on the voltmeter
4.replace the voltmeter with a wire to complete the circuit
5.leave for 10 minutes and then record observations. carefully extract each electrode from the beakers and after drying them, measure and record their mass.


discussion *sorry if this is wrong this is my understanding* -
we should have got 1.101 volts (because zinc voltage is 0.72 and the copper voltage is 0.34), but we got  0.883, why?  there are multiple reasons. a couple reasons could be the coating on the metal, the salt bridge, or the acid or base concentration can all cause a change of voltage. the reason why zinc loses electrons is because the zinc is more reactive than the copper. which means the copper must gain electrons because electrons do not just disappear.  the salt bridge was a solution of potassium nitrate (K⁺NO⁻₃). why was the salt bridge there? well the salt bridge is there because since the zinc is losing and the copper is gaining it needs to be made equal. The electrons of the zinc is going to the copper. the copper needs to be levelled out because the copper just has a negative charge. the salt bridge a mix of positive and negative.  the potassium positive goes into the zinc because it lost and the other part of the potassium nitrate is going into the copper.
Leo the lion goes ger, what does this mean? Leo stands for lose electrons oxidation. Ger stands for gain electrons reduction.

if I could do the experiment again I definitely would. if I could change anything I would make sure I had fewer chemical in the beaker because it made it a bit hard to put the solution back into the container. I wouldn't change who I worked with at all. 

Friday 9 August 2019

Angelica! Eliza! And Peggy!

Who is in your group? And what is each person doing?
Logan, Josh, Sam, Nadia and Me. Logan Is rapping. Sam, Nadia and I are singing and Josh is

What song have you chosen and why?
The Schuyler sisters, because we can. *we don't really have a reason*

Add a link to the song you have chosen?

What is the song about?
introduction to the schuyler sisters and the revolution

Which part of the song will you start rehearsing first and why?
we will most probably start getting the lyrics correct.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Essay not finished.

Do you think gay people should be allowed to be married?
Well if you said yes then why is gay marriage illegal in certain places?
I personally think that gay people should be allowed to get married. In this essay,
I will be talking about why gay people should be allowed to marry, how gay people got
treated when they married when they weren't supposed too and how did they get over the
fact they couldn't marry.  

The first thing I am going to state is why gay people should be allowed to marry.
I think they should be aloud to marry because its complety there choice and no one should be
aloud to change that. I think this is where homophobia fits in. one of the many reasons why one
person of any gender is homophobic because they are gay, bi, lesbian, etc but dont know how to
come out. If straight people are aloud to marry why arent gay people aloud to. Straight people are
basically the same people except they like the same gender and they have a certain name. 

The second thing that i will be staing is how gay people get treated when they get married when
they are not surpose to.  In certain places if they married they would be put in jail to say “hey not
your not aloud to be married to garry because hes the same gender as you” * just an example*. Gay
men were torurted as some men have said that they were arrested and tourtured. They were have
said that they were threatened with a fake crimes and fake charges wrong.

Friday 26 July 2019

Come back, Please.

In social studies, we had to make a boomerang. the meaning behind my boomerang, I didn't exactly have one but I did pounamu for Maori culture. all the colours were just to put in some colour and make it look nice (which it did). mine is the green one. at one point sam wanted to take photos so i did this point i did,  i threw the boomerang so far at points.  the purpose of this activity was to show how the aboriginal people had to catch there food and i realise it was not easy. mine wasn't aboriginal based.

front ⬆️
                                                                                      back ⬆️

this is me getting mad about how far the boomerang. i dont know why i was angry but you can hear me scream at a certain volume.