
Wednesday 18 September 2019


This term we have been looking at a cultural unit. So far i have learnt that jam drops are from Britain. I know I have learnt this because we did it in the Britain practical part. Practicals we have made this term are jam drops, pad thai. They are originally from jam drops are from Britain and the pad thai was from Thailand but have made it to New Zealand by the jam drops made it to New Zealand when the British came to New Zealand. Skills I have learnt from the practical are not to overcook or undercook, to season the meal nicely *not too much and not too little* and I will use these in the future by looking at the recipe properly before cooking and not skimming through the recipe so I miss the important work. Working with other people I don't usually work with, we have worked well together except some small arguments over dumb stuff but otherwise, we have all been doing very well in getting our work to a high standard.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chyna.
    I like what you done here. I think adding pictures to your post was a great idea. For your next post, maybe work on your capital letters a little, and add photos of the other practicals. Also, what other practicals have you done throughout the term???


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