
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Curiosity topic week 3

Heres how vans are made
In the Vans vulcanized shoemaking process, the rubber shoe outsole parts are assembled onto the lasted upper before the rubber is completely cured.  The heat required to vulcanize the rubber sole will melt nylon and polyester fabrics. The upper part of vans is heat-resistant materials like suede, leather, cotton canvas with metal hardware. some random things I found out about vans are they have been around since 1966, the originated in  Anaheim, southern California

Random facts about vans
- they have been around since 1966
- they originated in Southern California, Anaheim CA

Friday 25 May 2018


Today we had to read on Read Theory. The story I read was about making food in schools healthy, The one I am reading about chocolate.


Howard Morrison

what am I wondering?
I am wondering how you have a heart attack in your sleep. (Slide 2)

what have I learnt
I have learned that Howard Morrison is knighted
I learnt Zane wants a sandwich

how does this show my learning
It shows all the facts I learnt/ found.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Curiosity topic Week 2

I wonder why we have gum.
Chewing gum improves your mouth motility.  it helps the saliva flow to which promotes swallowing the results of scientists demonstrate that chewing gum is good for oral health and teeth specifically .sweetened gum is not good for your teeth. It is good to chew gum because as I found out it stimulates the saliva flow, which reduces plaque and helps prevent cavities.
Chewing gum improves concentration and memory, it also boosts mental performance.
Gum combats stress and anxiety. It helps smokers quit.
Gum fights nausea and motion sickness, morning sickness.

What do I still wonder?
I think I found all the answers to my questions.

Jason gunn

I was reading about Jason gunn. He went to get a coffee but the window was so clean that he thought nothing was their. Click here if you want to read more.

Curiosity topic Week 1

I wonder why school exists?

School exist because if we didn't have school then we would be like the people that are a little bit dumber. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Ten minute reading Day 3

Today in ten-minute reading I was reading on Factslides (again)  But today I read about food facts. I found out some interesting things. what I found out

 Coconut water can be used in emergencies as a substitute for blood plasma

Honey is the only food that will never rot, it can last 3000 years.

casu marzu is a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese that contains live maggots inside.

In the U.S as much as 40% of produce grown is never sold or eaten because it's too ugly.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Social Studies

  Today we learnt about Monarchies.  we had to find facts about it then Mindmup it.
1. longest running monarch in history queen Elizabeth 2 2. 1 in 6 Britons favour republic government 3. 40 nations with monarchies 4. 16 countries under British rules 5.queen duties: the right to be consulted, the right to encourage and the right to warn 6.the queen can declare war and peace 7.the queen is said to do more for charity than anyone else 8. British royalty is said to contribute to 3 thousand charities worldwide 9. Crowns are owned by the state 10. some people think monarchies are outdated.

Ten minute reading day 2

Today in reading I was reading some facts from FactSlides and I found out some very interesting facts. FactSlides is a website (of course) that you can go to and read facts. On fact slides, there are so many different categories. some categories are world, history, society and nature.

Heres what I found out

1. Prisoners on Alcatraz always had hot water showers so they didn't get acclimatised to cold water and try to escape.

2. 85 million years ago before butterflies existed, there was another insect that looked and acted like a butterfly.

Monday 7 May 2018

Ten minute reading

Lo: silently read for ten minutes.

The article I read was about a baby that was emergency delivered that has sadly died. it was emergency delivered because the mother was in a car crash. if you want to know more click here

The scene of a Nelson crash that left a 30-week pregnant woman needing an emergency c-section. The baby died on Saturday.

Maori Songs

Modern Maori quartet Awhimai Fraser 'Māreikura'
type of music. 
i don't know 
-what did I like about the video? 
that there are them in the studio like recording it
-what did I like about the music 
that it is soft at some points 
Can't find any 

wairua by maimoa
type of music. 
I don't know 
-what did I like about the video? 
That it's them with different people.
-what did I like about the music 
it has a good beat 

 It is your SPIRIT - may it spread around the world It is your SOUL - let it fly and soar Filled with instinct and inspiration that can guide you to your full potential

Friday 4 May 2018

Maori songs

Stan walker Aotearoa 
type of music. I don't really know 
-what did I like about the video? I liked that there were the different type of people. 
-what did I like about the music  i liked how the voices all came together
who inspired the singer? can't find it 

Aotearoa, he iwi Kaha tātou
where we come from we were made to be strong

he mana tuku iho Mai anō
our legacy will carry on

whenua haumako
and if a piece of home

wairua ora
resonates in your soul

whāia tō ara
your journey will take you

ki te mutunga
where you belong

The song I picked

type of music. 
 heavy metal
-what did I like about the video? 
I didn't really watch the video
-what did I like about the music 
I liked that they used Maori in their song.
The earth is shaken Lighting the lightning Give fire In the street Hī! Lighting the lightning Give fire In the street The taniwha 
Who inspired the song? 

Matariki work

In my music class my amazing teacher Mrs Richardson has taught us about matariki This is most of the information I found. For the poster I used piktochart. piktochart is really easy to use. 

Links for the pictures I used on piktochart