
Friday 23 November 2018

Shes Amazing At Acting

So in drama, I and Sam decided to practise sams script. For Sams passion project she is doing Bugsy Malone, while me, on the other hand, I am doing wearable arts. Sam asked me to help her with her lines and I was Tallulah's, Bugsy's, and Fat Sam. we first went over the lines and then we decided to get up and act it. I loved it well I am not the acting type of person but like I did so well acting it out, I wouldn't really do it again but I tried my hardest. I could have had more enthusiasm, but it was my first time acting out and acting like a guy.  Sam is so good at acting as blousy, Well shes amazing at acting anyway. sam has been acting since she was younger so I can see why.
Photo (sam secretly took of me)
As you can see I was so into the script, but I'm not exactly the reading type. I am bad at reading so I don't think I could read a script again (i still hate this photo).
Credit- Samantha.

Monday 19 November 2018

Tech End Of Subject Result

Balancing Toy

In tech, we had to make a balancing toy it was really hard at the time but I got threw. in the end, I did not finish because my work got stolen.

Here is my slideshow

What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed draw filing and sawing

what did I learn?
I learnt how to draw file

what was a challenge?
losing my work and using a drill (i am scared of machines)

how did you overcome that challenge?
I just started again even when I want to give up. and with the drill, I got someone else to do it (which wasn't the right choice)

Did I weld?
no, I didn't

what did I get better at?
I got better at being patient.

My Finished work (even tho it's in the slideshow)

As I said above I didn't finish and this is all I had in the end. if I had more time I would have completed it. I think I need to stop talking.  I Really think I could have done better and I should have but I didn't so I didn't finish, that's my fault. But  in the end I had fun and that's all that matters

Friday 2 November 2018

Costume design

Our concept

1. Location of performance:
2018 high school. keep the modern dress code 

2. Duration of the performance season and duration of the performance per night:
the movie is 2 hours and 20 minutes long
3. Directors and Design team brief /colours /symbolism/movement restrictions etc.
colours are - red and yellow. restrictions - need to dance
4. Your costume budget/other restrictions:
 the show opens conversations about dark issues, including bullying, teen suicide, sexual assault, and violence in schools.
5. What era is it set in?
modern day- 21 century
6. The genre of the production and elements of that genre?
genre is rock musical
7. Actors Shape age strength etc.
depends on whos cast
8. Previous Production or costume designer style

9.  Extra brief areas to consider for your chosen production.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Dragon Heart Part 6

This is the coggle I made in English it shows most of the main characters in the movie dragon heart (that my whole class has been doing for the last weeks). Again thanks Sam for helping me work coggle (well her helpful blog post)

What am I learning?
I am learning/learned how to use coggle and I learnt a bit about each character/ remembered stuff about them
How does this show my learning?
it shows I remembered stuff about each character

What am I wondering?
I am wondering why most of the characters are good and why less are bad.

Dragon Heart Part 5

this is my Freytag pyramid. I took a screenshot of Freytagtag pyramid because it is easier to add. there are  7  different parts exposition, rising action, initial incident, climax, falling action, resolution, denouement.

what am I learning?
I learnt/learning about how to make a free tag pyramid. Sam helped me learn a lot about (click her name to go to her blog).

How does this work show my learning?
it shows i can make a frey tag pyramid and learn about it in the time of 30 minutes.

what am I wondering as a result of learning?
I am wondering why we put the dots on the pyramid.

Dragon Heart part 4

this is the vennage that I did. This vennage show most of the scenes in the movie study dragon heart.

what am I learning?
I learnt how to make a timeline properly because I was didn't know how to make one properly.

How does this work show my learning?
it shows a vennage of a timeline in the movie Dragonheart.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
i am wondering if i should have added a photo of the movie or anything like that.