
Thursday, 7 December 2017

festival of the arts week 3

week 3 we started the slide show. we added more photos and started to edit them. we made some look cool and some look old. we were trying to make them look like the photos had been taken ages ago.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Science festival of the arts

In science, I have been doing autochrome, well been trying. Autochrome is something they used to colour photos.

This is the film paper when the murky water was added. It was like a filter. all the water went through and all the starch ended up on the paper.
this is the food dye in the water after I added it on to the paper.
this is the top view of what it looked like. It had different types of blue in it which made it look really cool.

discussion-  when I put the starch in the water it went murky. I had to wait 15 minutes. when the fifteen minutes were up I grabbed some filter paper and slowly separated the starch from the water. when the process is done you have to wait till it drys. once it is dry you can grab some colours (red and blue) and put it on the starch but just a drop not too much.

this link is .\

week 4 festival of the arts

Today we continued the slideshow we have been making for the last couple of weeks. This is the last week of the festival of the arts.  This is some of the photos we have taken and edited.

This is our presentation.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

festival of the arts week 2

Today my group took photos of things. I wasn't here for this as I was filming my brother's movie. This is Mollys shoes being way too big for her feet but they still fit.

Monday, 20 November 2017

triassic and jurrasic

Where does New Zealand fit into the theory of continental drift?

why does NZ not have and crocodiles?
because they were only starting to evolve
why is NZ's only mammal a  bat?
cause we moved to Australia when the animals were still coming in.
evidence of woolly mammoths in NZ? explain why
because it was way too cold for the mammoths
wetas and tuataras are living fossil. what does this mean? suggest why we have these creatures but Australia does not.  

Festival of the arts

In photography (my class for the festival of the arts). we had to take photos of things that started with the alphabet letters. for example, Take  C we take a photo of me. this is what we got told.                  Your task is to photograph something beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Place the picture in the box on this sheet. One point for each letter. Bonus points extra if you find a picture that makes the shape of a letter ( a picture that is an X or a W or and L or any other letter).

Here are mine and mollys -

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Science Festival Of The Arts

Festival Of The Arts

Aim- I want to learn how to make a pinhole camera. I also want to learn how cameras work and how they came about. I want to research how photographs came about.

  • I want to research how photographs were discover
  • I want to investigate how to make an auto-chrome photo.

To create the Autochrome colour filter mosaic, a thin glass plate was first coated with a transparent adhesive layer. the dyed starch grains were graded to 5 and 10 micrometres in size and the three colours were thoroughly intermingled in proportions which made the mixture appear grey to the unaided eye. 

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Geologic time periods

Geologic time period

What is a geologic time scale?
The geologic time scale (GTS) is a system of chronological dating that relates geological strata (stratigraphy) to time and is used by geologists, palaeontologists, and other Earth scientists to describe the timing and relationships of events that have occurred during Earth's history.

In this slideshow, mya means million years ago

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Save the whales

Saving the whales

Why do we need to protect them?

What is the cause of the population decreasing in number?

What is being done to help them?

how is successful is this help?

Image result for save the whales 
habitat: they live in the ocean.

food: schooling squid, krill, crab larvae, herring eggs, ghost shrimp, and small bait fish such as capelin. They also eat plankton

breeding: before whales breed they travel several thousand miles. 


The biggest whale in the whole world is the blue whale. The blue whale's heart is the size of BMW and it is 450kgs 

  • The blue whale is the largest living animal on this planet and can grow to be over 90 ft. and weigh 150 tons or more.
  • The dwarf sperm whale is smallest of the whale species and can grow up to 9 ft. in length and weigh up to 600 pounds.
  • The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whale suborder and can grow as long as 65 ft. and weigh over 62 short tons.
  • Baird’s beaked whale in comparison is the second largest of the toothed whale suborder and can grow to a length of 42 ft. and weigh around 15 tons.
  • killer whale aka Orca is actually a dolphin. In fact, the killer whale happens to be the largest of the dolphin species (hence the name whale) and can grow to be larger than 25 ft. long and weigh over 6 tons.
  • Maui’s dolphin is considered the smallest marine mammal in the dolphin family as it can measure 4 – 6 ft. long and weigh between 95 – 115 lbs.


  • Whales live in the sea
  • sperm whales they like waters that are ice-free and 3000 deep. 
  • They mostly eat squids and octopus's
  • threats commercial protest against whales/ also illegal in 1986
  • they are mammals 
  • sperm whales oil gets taken
  • sperm whales tongue is the same as an elephant 
  • whales get sunburn
  • humans killed 28 million whales in a century
  • whales largest tooth predator 

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Today some 8mt students went to choir and they did a practice for their performance. The teacher that came with us was Mrs Richardson came with us. we had so much fun at Avon head school.

Our choir is the 7/8 massed choir. we are getting ready to go to a huge performance. The choir is very small and we only have 12 or more people


On the end of bones that. Move across each other
Stops fricton
Acts as a shock absorber

Things that damage joints
Exiseing threw pain
Doing the same things over and over
Carrying heavy things
Not warming up

Osteo arthritis- makes the cartilage gritty and you can hear the sounds
Rheumatoid arthritis-  where the joins are inflamed.

Tendons- connect muscles to bone
Ligaments-connect bone to bone

Gymnastics Week 2

What I want to achieve?

I want to achieve to go on the tramp and do the right thing.

 what I achieve I achieve to go on the tramp at least once. even tho I was a bit scared I still did it.

Trying, smelling, and touching

  1.  marmite
  2. apple ( baby food)
  3.  cornflakes
  4. marshmallow
  5. a lolly ( sour )

  1. vinegar- acetone
  2. . coffee-  Correct
  3. chocalte caramel- correct
  4. banana- correct
  5. .onion- correct

  1. dirt.
  2. clothing pins. 
  3. pine cones. 
  4. ping pong ball
  5. buttons,
  6. string. 
  7. cotton. 
  8. .seed.
  9. marbles. 
  10. pipecleans. 

Jade: it was fun very fun
Kaela: I think it was cheesey
Chyna: i liked it. because i got to eat




  • what
  • where
  • why are these important
  • what effect have they had on areas around them?


what has been done to done to protect the surrounding areas from Chernobyl radiation

Between May and November 1986, a Shelter was built to contain the damaged reactor, reduce the radiation levels on-site, and prevent further release of radioactive material.

However, problems have later arisen from the fact that the Shelter had to be erected quickly and under very difficult conditions, partly because the construction personnel were exposed to severe radiation levels. Some structural parts have corroded during the past 20 years, which could potentially lead to the collapse of the Shelter and thus to the release of radioactive dust into the environment.
To avoid the top of the Shelter collapsing, there are plans to strengthen unstable structures and to build a New Safe Confinement (NSC) that would cover the existing Shelter and last more than 100 years. The NSC would allow workers to dismantle the current Shelter, remove highly radioactive material from the damaged reactor, and eventually dismantle it altogether.

what we learnt from this

Some photos and videos I found


Today in class we did drama we were professors and we made up our own names. We imagined we had an object. We had to explain what that object looked like. There was no specific object so we just said what we thought it looked like.

 this was my identity and my opinion

Name: Elmo
Country/Place: Elmos world
Explanation: It  was smooth 

Hello, my name is Elmo and I am from Elmo's world. This object looks and feels really smooth.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Endangered animals

Red deer
Wallaby only in the south island

1. An introduced species is a species living outside its native distributional range.
2. Because it fits with their habitat type.
3. Because of pests.
4. They eat eggs from birds that live on the ground and feed on them.
5. Because they are pests and predators and eat native creatures.

Hedge Hog

Possums: eats eggs of native birds and even the native, disturb nesting birds. The first possums were brought here in 1837 from Australia.
Possums are native to Australia where they are protected.
Possums are not a problem in Australia, in fact, they are endangered in some areas.
Possums were brought to New Zealand to start a fur industry.
At the height of the fur trade, trappers killed 20 million possums in a year which helped to control possum number.When possums were first released into some areas of New Zealand, such as the Wairarapa, school children were given the day off school to mark the historic event!Possums belong to a special group of mammals called marsupials. This means that the baby possum is born when it is still very tiny and continues growing in a special pouch on its mother’s stomach instead of inside its mother’s tummy.
Marsupials are found only in Australia. There are 200 different kinds of marsupials in Australia.
Other marsupials are the wallaby (which was also introduced to New Zealand), kangaroo and koala. That makes the possum the cousin of the kangaroo.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


Week 1
Today in PE we did gymnastics. I thought it was very fun because I enjoyed jumping over the cone on the beam. my fear was going on the beam and jumping the cone because it was scary when the teacher said it but then I was like ok it's not that scary.

first, we did front rolls, back rolls and cart wheels. I did well for the back rolls and front rolls but when it came to the cartwheels I could not do it.

Image result for gymnastics photo

Thursday, 31 August 2017


Today in science we did a worksheet and we (8mt) did a work sheet. This was part of science. In science, we are learning about the bones. This work sheet was about the main bones. I think I did pretty well with doing the bones.

Here is the picture I used for marking.
Image result for skeleton labeled

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


How much bones do baby have? 300
How much bones have you got? 206 

Structure of the long bone eg femur.
A structure of the bones- YouTube.
A photo.

Types of joints

What's at the end of moving joints?

What's the purpose of cartilage.
cartilage is the joints in bones

Friday, 4 August 2017

Hauora task

This is my Hauora task. The four dimensions are Taha Tinana, Taha Whanau, Taha Wairua and Taha Hinengaro. This is how I decided to show my work. We had to show how we would explain the four dimensions. 

Taha whanau: hanging with friends and family.

Taha Tinana going out side and playing walking the dog.

Taha hingengaro using a growth mindset.

Taha Wairua following your school values.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Organ jobs

brain- the brain is a thing in your mind and when you move you are sending a signal to apart of your body.
Image result for brain
Intestines- the intestines are a  tube that goes down to your anus.

Heart- the heart fills with air and when the air comes out it is actually carbon dioxide.
Image result for heart
Eyes- the eyes are the things that help y'all see.
Mouth- the mouth is the hole in your face that helps you eat.

Bladder- the bladder is something that holds some yellow liquid til it's ready to leave
Liver- a liver is a large meaty thing on the side of the body.
Oesophagus- this is the long tube in your throat that helps your food go down to your stomach.
Image result for esophagus
Lungs - the lungs help you healthy breath.

Stomach- stomach is the organ they hold your food until it's ready to go

Rectum- the end of the intestines.

Anus- end of the digestive system that disposes of the waste

Pancreas-  pancreas is the organ that  Is in the stomach

Gall bladder- gall bladder is an organ that helps your bladder work and the gall bladder also holds the bile.

Spleen- an organ that controls the production and the removal of blood cells

Appendix-  the appendix is an organ  that sits on the right side of the abdomen

Thursday, 27 July 2017

School made Archimedes screw

we got a can  and taped it to the other cans. Then we got a metre tube and taped that. Then we got a two buckets. One was empty and the other was empty. Then we moved the cans and it turned around and water changed buckets.

We put hot water into a bucket and then put the tube in it.  then we got some cans and duct taped them together. then we added the tube so it was sprailing around the cans.

How to get water up a hill?

Job: agricultural soil scientist.

Scenario:your client wants to plant Cepos in a field 1.5 m above The local river. Hr nede to get Water to this field and has no electricity to run a pump and has no hose to run a pump and no hose. He must start this from scratch. Hos Will he achieve this.


He was born in 287 bc
He died in 212 bc
He made a screw and named it his name. So he named it the "the Archimedes screw"
Image result for archimedes screw


 cabbage chemistry

What does organic mean ?
Organic is food scraps,old food.

Practice. Red cabbage is used as an indacator . It will change colour in the acids and bases. Put a couple of drops of each test sample onto a spotting trap. Add a couple of  red cabbage. Note the color.

Spotting title add to drops of each-2 drops cabbage

Lemon juice- handy andy

Apple- jiff

Lime-sodium hydrexide

Lemonade-sulphuric acid


My picture is of
Pasifika patterns

I have used
Shapes my shapes I used are triangles

My inspiration is


What is an engineer?
A engineer is a person that builds designs, maintains an engine, machine or structures

What type of engineers are there
Machanicle, chemical,civil, electricity

Image result for engineers

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Food Scienctes

Food Scientest 

Looks at: 
  • Texture, taste
  • Causes of going off/bad
  • Best ways to package food
  • Shelf life (how long the food lasts in good condition)
  • Evaluate the food
  • Interaction of ingredients used
  • Improving & changing flavour
  • Affect of bacteria , spoil the food, causing illness

Ways to persevere food

  • Fridge
  • Cans 
  • Jars
  • Salt in jars or container
  • Adding perseveritives.

Checking how cooking affects the ingredients


  • 1/4 c icing sugar
  • 1 tea spoon raro
  • 1/4 tea spoon citric acid
  • 1/4 tea spoon tartaric acid
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.

What I think about the sherbet

I thought it was delious and  it tasted like popping candy.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Careers In Science

Careers In science

what to study. biology chemistry physics, algebra, geometry, calculus, biotechnology

Training, Other Qualifications

A career as a veterinarian requires a bachelor's degree, usually in biology, animal science, chemistry, or some other science field, followed by a four-year Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM or VDM) degree from an accredited program. In addition, veterinarians must pass a state licensing exam prior to practicing.
New graduates with a DVM degree may begin to practice veterinary medicine once they receive their license, but many new graduates choose to enter a 1-year internship. Interns receive a small salary but often find that their internship experience leads to better paying opportunities later, relative to those of other veterinarians. Veterinarians who then seek board certification must also complete a 3- to 4-year residency program that provides intensive training in one of the 20 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)-recognized veterinary specialties, including internal medicine, oncology, pathology, dentistry, nutrition, radiology, surgery, dermatology, anesthesiology, neurology, cardiology, ophthalmology, preventive medicine, and exotic small-animal medicine.

Education and Training

In college, students interested in veterinary medicine should emphasize the sciences, making sure to take classes in organic and inorganic chemistry, physics, biochemistry, general biology, animal biology, animal nutrition, genetics, vertebrate embryology, cellular biology, microbiology, zoology, and systemic physiology.
When applying to veterinary degree programs, some schools also require calculus, statistics, college algebra and trigonometry, while others require no math at all. Most veterinary medical colleges also require core college courses, including some in English or literature, the social sciences, and the humanities.
Competition for entry into veterinary school is keen. Candidates with prior veterinary and animal experience usually have an edge in admittance decisions. Formal experience, such as work with veterinarians or with scientists in clinics, agribusiness, research, or some area of health science, is particularly advantageous. Less formal experience, such as working with animals on a farm or ranch or at a stable or animal shelter, is also helpful.

Other Qualifications

Veterinarians must have good manual dexterity. They need an affinity for animals and the ability to get along with their owners, especially pet owners, who usually have strong bonds with their pets. Veterinarians who intend to go into private practice should possess excellent communication and business skills, because they will need to manage their practice and employees successfully and to promote, market, and sell their services.

sustainability questions

this is my project it is about micro beads the little plastic beads in shampoo and other things.

mix names in science

today we mix a animal with our name. my animal was a dog so i named it chog. chog was a animal that was half dog half human. chog  was a wild thing.

after name mixing we  made a forest. i was a animal and we had to creep up on some one.

What i learn at marching

What I do for marching

I am a marcher and my team is called pioneers of canterbury. we are under 12.  we travel around New Zealand to other places. in our team, we have 2 coaches, 2 chaperones, and 14 girls.

what I learned in marching was that?
you don't need to be great to win you just need to learn and be good (or you will get yelled at)

photo of me

as you might tell I am the short one in the middle. the teams in this photo are pioneers of canterbury, under 12, under 16, seniors and masters. then we have skellerup masters and under 16. then we have eclipse under 12 and under 16.


1. Isaac Newton
     Who is he?philosper astronomer  Physicist, Scientist, Mathematician(
     Where? Woolsthorpe Britain
       How is his work related to forces

2.   G forces means gravity forces

3. When & why so containers explode or implode

4.concorde vs cargo planes

5.the bends


1.First the  bottle was just a normal milk bottle and it was empty

2.Then the bottle got filled with some hot water and was very hot.

3.After that the teacher tipped out the hot water and put cold water on it.

hot water emptied.lid on. Cool under cold water.bottle collapsed. Force acting on outside of bottle is greater than force acting inside.

High impact

type of push and pull

is where you  move something away from you

is where you move something away from you

gravity is what keep you down to the ground

friction is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another

air resistance 
 is the opposite of gravity.

potential energy
is the energy something has when it is staying still

kinetic energy
is the energy that something has when it is moving.

balanced force
balanced forces are objects that are the same weight

unbalanced force
unbalanced forces are objects that do not weight the same

acceleration is where you move. you start slow and go faster and faster.