
Friday 7 December 2018

Tech research

in tech, we have been doing a little bit of research. in this research, we have had to look at what will be added in 20 years? what will stay the same? what will be taken out by and not used? and what will be taken over by robots?. I decided to make a presentation with Isaac and Jireh. I had fun researching all of this about the jobs.

what am I learning?
about jobs that could be taken over robots, jobs that could be taken out or jobs that will stay the same.

how does this show my learning?
it shows my learning in a presentation. the website we used was Google Slides.

what am I wondering
I am wondering how accurate this research is like will robots take over 2030.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Creative writing

In English, we are writing creative writing and this is how I would explain in a sentence. There are a unicorn, sword and toad. if you want to know more then I guess you have to read it. beware there is a unitoad as a photo so if you have a phobia then cover the photo or ignore this post, Thanks.

what have I learnt?
that unicorns can mix with toads and that makes a unitoad. apart from that, I learnt that when you put your mind to something you can achieve your creativity. I thought I would struggle not using g but actually, it's easy.

what am I wondering?
If unitoads are real things/animals?

There once was a unicorn. This unicorn loved a toad. The problem is that the unicorn had only seen the toad once and had never seen it since. A couple months later, the unicorn saw the toad once more and didn't know how to react. She was so happy and excited, she ran up to him just to realize it wasn't the toad. It was a sword dressed up like a toad. The sword could speak. It was super weird for the unicorn. BOOM! The unicorn and sword were swept off there feet by the toad unexpectedly. The unicorn screams “ YOUR BACK AFTER YEARS” and was so ineffable.  Then they saw their mothers which were a toadally rad unicorn and they wonder what was the chance of that. In the end, the unicorn and toad found out they were related. THE END of this weird story.

Antarctica animals

how well do you think ur work has gone?
I think we did well apart from me and sam doing all the work

what was the best section of your work?
in my opinion, researching all the animals because i got to see photos of them

where did you go wrong in completing this assessment?
we didnt always get along as a group

how might you improve your outcome in the future?
I think ours was good as it was

what did you find interesting about the topic you completed your presentation on?
learning about animals

what did you struggle with during your assessment?
researching certain questions we ended up changing

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Creative writing

In English we are writing about what we want to well not exactly, we are doing creative writing. my creative writing is if history had a twitter page. I wrote this way over the time limit so I am behind. I am admitting now my English and punctuation is not amazing. so here's my story.

As I got out my device I decided to post a post on twitter it went like this “OMG finally at Gallipoli #fightingforyou” then I hopped out of my boat saw a couple of guys they seemed to be hiding in bushes for some random reason then realized they made a post just like me. I go on my device and look at Twitter some guy named @Evil_Turkish_  had commented on my post. i looked a little closer and saw that they had written “ HAHAHA we are right above you guys and about to attack #yougonnadie” I was so scared at that moment it was life or death, and then *BANG BANG BANG* I had gotten shot I was laid on the ground wondering what would happen if my family found out, Then I went to sleep.

I thought I had died but when I woke up I seemed to have been in a hospital boat it was so gigantic. it was very filthy with a lot of blood and stuff it was very uncomfortable. All I could do was lay there and listen to the bombs. it was just days and night of doing nothing then I realized I had my twitter. I decided to post again “ Well this is chaotic I nearly died and now I'm on a ship now #nearlydead @Evil_Turkish_”  then I waited and waited for days and nights. I finally got a reply and it said “ we tried our best to get rid of you but it was a little complicated.

Then a nurse came in my room she wanted to talk to me she said it was time for me to leave and go back to battle. I didn't want to do that to be fair, I thought the war was gonna be fun but turns out it is very boring. So I got up nodded and walked away. As I was walking away there were fewer people but still a lot of blood. I kept walking with my head down low and finally exited hoped on a boat which toke me to the beach where it started again. All I could see up and down the beach where a lot of bodies I was getting used to it now.

I decided to make another post on twitter which I thought would be my last “So this might be my last update but just so everyone knows I love you, family and friends, I will do my best for u guys   you all for supporting me I am now going back to the war for u all” then we had landed again. I couldn't see any enemies so I thought the enemies so I snuck up it to the gap in the rocks and went up the cliff to see if I could see anyone. The people that were on the boat with me and we hid in a bush while the enemies got into position so that they couldn't see us. We stayed there for a couple of days.

When I was ready I put my arm up and lip-synced “3,2,1” we decided to go and shot I rushed and killed half of them while we were all shouting and shooting. I decided to post on twitter, “omg I just killed so many people. #waytocomeback”. We all went and decided to find everyone else in our team. We went into our bunker and found out that half of the enemy team was dead. It was very scary looking out of the bunker because all I could see were bombs and sometimes u could hear shots. I thought to myself my twitter page is going so well, then “BING” my phone went off.

I decided to look at it and I saw another message from @Evil_Turkish_  “ we can see you, you are there getting messaged.” I decided to sit down and look at all my letters from my family I put my phone in there and got screamed at by my captain. He was saying about how he wanted to win and how we needed to get back out there. My phone went off again @Evil_Turkish_  had posted again “ WE NEED TO WIN THIS WAR, OTHERWISE WE GONNA DIE”. I decided to write on the post “ @Evil_Turkish_ we don't wanna know about you guys losing because it's gonna happen”

I was super tired at that moment and I could sleep otherwise my captain would yell at me. His name was captain Timothy Green.  He didn't like us much but he didn't know about failure and he didn't want to know about failure. He came in and said to me “get up you lazy person” I said wait a minute and grabbed my phone. I walked out and decided to go look around.  I got up and shot and shot, but in the end, it wasn't enough I got shot. I was in and out of consciousness.

I woke up again and was back in the bloody ship, I hated it. Weeks went by and I got released again.  I said to the nurse “thank you again for saving my life” and left. I went back to the fight and it was the last month. I posted on twitter again “ I finally got out again, but it's very gruesome here. Someone come to collect me”. A couple weeks passed and finally, it was the last day. We shot and shot our guns. We couldn't help celebrating before we won. Then it all went wrong. We all were going down, one by one everyone was getting shot. There was at least 5 of us left. All of us 5 decided to shot and we did so well, that somehow we had won. We won the world war 1. The first thing I did was hug my mates. Then I grabbed my phone and posted “OMG WE WON, WE FOUGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY AND WON. (sorry everyone looking at this I am so happy)”I posted.

It took so long to get back from Gallipoli So I decided to post one more time “I'm coming home, I'm coming home, tell the world I’m coming home” I posted it and waited and waited. I fell asleep while waiting for responses. I sleep for about 24 hours. I woke up to people screaming and shouting and those people weren't exactly close. I got up and got changed I got up and saw ………… no words could explain what I saw. Ok well, let's just say I saw people and flags and it was very colourful. The boat stopped.

I collected my stuff and got up. I was so happy when I hopped off the boat there must have been at least 5 thousand people. I went and saw my family we all were so happy to see each other. I ran up to them and hugged them all. We were all so jubilant.

what am I learning
I am learning about writing creatively but with a subject, I have to stay by. I don't think I stayed by that subject in this story 

how does this show my learning
it shows it in a form of writing well i dont know how else it would be shown.

what am i wondering
Why didnt they have names for the ship? like why was it called hospital boat?.