
Wednesday 25 July 2018

Wonder Work Part 6 and Part 7

1. Explain why August doesn't like school events that include parents?
because he doesn't want people judging him. and he doesn't want people to look at him weirdly.

2." Maya left august a nice note and August said " six months ago stuff like that would have never have happened, but now it happens more and more." explain the change that is occurring?
people think he is really mean and when they get to know him they realize he's nice. They give up on Julian being rude.

3. Describe Augusts feeling about getting hearing aids. Were they justified?
August felt scared to get hearing aids but now he got them he feels better about himself. They made him hear better and he doesn't hear the sound in his head.

4. Why did via keeping her part secret from her parents? Why did vias mum say the play wasn't something Auggie wouldn't like it? because she didn't want to lose friends. because Olivia didn't want Auggie going to the play.

5. August said "I think there should bed a rule everyone should get a standing ovation at least once in there lives" explain what this means and why he believes it?   means like he thinks like people that look like him (not being rude) should have the spotlight once in their lives.

6. What effect did daisys death have on everyone?  the whole family were so upset that she was gone but the auggies my thought it was the right time for her to go.

7. Why did Miranda claim sickness before the play? because she wanted to be all good via and she felt just a little bit bad.

8. After reading Mirandas, how did your perception of her change and why?  I kinda felt a little bad because like everyone's parents go to the shows and her mum doesn't.

About me

Facts about me.

Favourite performer- I don't really have one.