- lives in water
- breathes with gils
- moist skin cover in scales
- most lay eggs
- cartilage or bone skeleton
- cold-blooded
- snapper
- salmon
- angelfish
- moist skin
- lays eggs in water
- larvae breathes with gils
- adults breathe with lungs
- adults live on land
- cold blooded
types of apmphibians
- frogs
- toads
- salemanders
- dry,scaly, skin
- lay eggs
- breathe with lungs
- cold-blooded
diffrent types
- tuatara
- snakes
- lizards
- crocodile
- covered in fur
- lay eggs with hard shells
- have wings
- warm-blooded
- breathe with lungs
different types
- kiwi
- tui
- finch
- parakeet

- covered in hair or fur
- feed young on milk
- warmed blooded
- breathe with lungs
different types
- humans
- dogs
- cats
- sea cows
Weird animals
This is my weird animal, her name is Samantha. she is very weird. when you want to find this creature look in your kitchen You might find her.
Here is her blog http://hhssamanthar.blogspot.com/