
Wednesday 21 March 2018

investigating- solubility

Aim- To investigate the solubility of calcium chloride and magnesium oxide to see which is the most soluble.

 Equipment- a 250L beaker, 100 mL measuring cylinder, calcium chloride and magnesium oxide, a stirring rod teaspoon and a ruler.

1. fill the beaker with 100mL of water
2. add a level of calcium  chloride or magnesium oxide
3. stir  the solution until all of the ingredients have dissolved into the water
4. repeat steps 2 and 3 until the all the calcium chloride.


AIM- to make crystals form in a supersaturated solution

EQUIPMENT- copper sulfate powder, 2x250 mL beaker,  a pencil or ice block stick, some cotton string, a stirring rod, hot water (either provided by your teacher or made by heating over a Bunsen burner), a watch glass, a funnel and filter paper.

METHOD-                                    PART 1

  1. pour approximately  150 mL of hot water into a 250 mL beaker.
  2.  add a spoonful of copper sulfate powder and stir until dissolved 
  3. repeat step 2 until no more copper sulfate will dissolve
  4.  filter solution into clean 250 mL beaker 
  5. pour a small amount of this solution into a watch glass 
  6. label your watch glass and beaker and place the watch glass on a window sill



Friday 9 March 2018

filtration- seperating mixures

aim-to separate a solution from a predicate.


  • lead nitrate 
  • potassium iodide 
  • conical flask 
  • stirring rod 
  • 250ml beaker 
  • funnel 
  • filter paper 
1. pour Approximately 10 ml of the potassium iodite solution into the beaker
2. add the same volume of the lead || nitrate.
3.your teacher will show you  how to fold the  filter paper so it fits inside your funnel.
4. place the funnel, with the filter paper inside it, into the mouth of a conical flask.
5.stir, then carefully pour the precipitate mixture into the funnel.

observations : when i was watching the chemicals go together it turned into a yellow colour. then when we filtered it (got rid of all the liquid)  stuck to the filter paper was a yellow pastey resadue . when I felt it (i wasn't suppose to but I did) it felt like cornstarch a bit. the cornstarch resadue was rude

musical drama

In drama and music, we are studying musicals theatre. for my group performance. we are doing a lip sync.

what is my performance about.
my performance is just my group lip-syncing

what have we done so far
picked the song

who is in my group and what is my role
Neika Robbie and Sara

what do I need to improve on
adding more moves.


 This is a poster about me. we did this in english to show people who we are easy.

Bunsen burner

 This is a video of us using the bunsen burner.